Community Building Guidelines

The Guidelines that are offered here come directly from the Foundation for Community Encouragement's (FCE) website; they have been used time and again by FCE-trained Facilitators at many different kinds of events around the world. These Guidelines will be reviewed by the Facilitators when we first meet.

Guidelines for Community Building

▪ Wear name tags.

▪ Be on time for each session.

▪ Say your name before you speak.

▪ Speak personally and specifically, using "I" statements.

▪ Be inclusive; avoid exclusivity.

▪ Express displeasure in the group, not outside the circle.

▪ Commit to "hang in there."

▪ Speak when moved to speak; don't speak when not moved to speak.

▪ Be responsible for your success.

▪ Participate verbally or nonverbally.

▪ Be emotionally present with the group.

▪ Respect confidentiality.


What We Can Tell You About the Process

▪ Facilitators are guides only.

▪ There are usually four stages.

▪ Silence will be used now and then.

▪ It is an adventure into the unknown.

▪ It involves discovering what it means to be MOVED to speak.

▪ You are encouraged to experiment, discover, learn.


What We Cannot Tell You About the Process

▪ How to do it

▪ About the unknown

▪ What this community may be

▪ The mystery about how it works

© The Foundation For Community Encouragement